Saturday, June 26, 2020
Beloved Faithful,
The Celebration of the Divine Liturgy of Holy Qurbana for the Fifth Sunday of the Apostles will be celebrated by His Grace, Bishop Mar Awa Royel on Sunday, June 26th at 9:00am PST.
This weeks readings,
Lection 1: Deuteronomy 1:33-2:1
Lection 2: Isaiah 1:21-end
Apostle: 1 Corinthians 14:1-19
Gospel: Luke 12:16-34
A few weeks ago we were granted permission to open our churches to the public with some restrictions and limitations. Below are a few of the guidelines:
Parishioners/visitors must wash their hands and/or apply hand sanitizer prior to entering the church foyer/lobby. Multiple sanitizing stations will also be available throughout the church.
Only 100 people will be allowed inside the church at a time. Once parishioners begin to exit after receiving Holy Communion, Ushers will allow additional parishioners to enter for Holy Communion.
The state has mandated face coverings any time you are inside of a facility that is not your home. Unless you have a medical condition that prohibits you from wearing one, we respectfully request you wear a mask or face covering.
Please follow markings and keep distance while in line for Holy Communion
Borrowed head scarves will not be made available, please ensure to bring your own head scarves.
There will be no fellowship this week following Raza Qadisha.
We have also prepared a Kabob Sandwich Fundraiser. Each sandwich is a $6 donation and will be available for purchase, to-go, outside the parish hall following Raza Qadisha.
May the Blessings of Mar Zaia the Blessed be upon you all!
Mar Zaia Cathedral Mutwa
If you wish to make a freewill donation to the church,
please visit https://marzaiacathedral.square.site/